Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: There does not seem to be a way to register ::usage specific to a Webel ADT-Method (TagSetDelayed UpValue). The Webel libraries offer method documentation support via the HelpO` class/method registry.
Webel: Mathematica: The Method syntax for the user contributed MTools does not seem to support Method-specific ::usage. The Webel libraries offer method documentation support (including arguments and options) via the HelpO` class/method registry.
Webel ADT`package: Some ADT pseudo class utility functions in a ::usage help viewer. Diagnostic, help, and development functions. Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Abstract Data Type (ADT) stateless pseudo-classes with inheritance (with SysMLv1 models)
Webel: Mathematica: Packages that import the Webel HelpF` package (but not MTools and the Webel HelpM` package) should use the 'usageF' function for ::usage String generation (rather than the 'docF' and 'docV' functions) and an AOR Map.
HelpF`: UsageF ::usage generation: Example helpClass::usage Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpF`: usageF for ::usage generation example Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
Webel ODR (Options, Docs, Rules) as SysML This content has been marked as discussing an ADVANCED topic! Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpF`: OptionsPattern groups as SysML shared between functions This content has been marked as discussing an ADVANCED topic! Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
Generate shared option groups using ‘$opt$’ helpers: wl$optsFromOpts, docsFromOpts, rulesFromOpts, and odrMap triplet Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpM`: Using the Webel MPackage helper with MFunction and MClass and the HelpF` and HelpO` help registries Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
Incremental benefit through Doc`, Var`, HelpF`, HelpO`, HelpM` Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpM`: Using the Webel MClass helper with the MMethod helper and the HelpO` help registry Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpM`: Use MFunction and MMethod with MArg & MOpt for ::usage (and consistent with the HelpF` and HelpO` registries) Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpF`: packageFunctionTree[$pac]: Function ::usage help and signatures within a package Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
The HelpF` & TestF` packages: General query based help Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpF`example: addFunction (2) Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
HelpF`example: addFunction (1) Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
Doc` package ::usage help generation using the docV and docF functions (2) Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
Doc` package ::usage help generation using the docV and docF functions (1) Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
Devel` package: check Function Symbol against ::usage Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: A brief look at the Webel W`Base` utilities for Mathematica
HelpM`: Use Webel MOpt and MArg objects to create ‘$doc$’ Strings for ::usage help Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel '$opt$' and '$arg$' help holder conventions for options and arguments in the Wolfram Language
When to use explicit $arg$ help holders (in lower level utility packages) Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel '$opt$' and '$arg$' help holder conventions for options and arguments in the Wolfram Language
Generate $doc$arg$ and $doc$opt$ Strings from Webel help Rules for use in ::usage Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel '$opt$' and '$arg$' help holder conventions for options and arguments in the Wolfram Language