Doc` package ::usage help generation using the docV and docF functions (1)

The following is strictly only for use in very low-level packages!
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For reference, some associated Policy Notes (you don't need to visit these links yet):

The String signature for a function for use as the 1st argument to docF can be manually provided or - using the Webel ET` package as we'll see later - generated from the ExpressionTree for a function (or class "method"). There is therefore seldom reason to store a signature String in a '$sig$f$' helper, and as we'll see later, the HelpF` and HelpO` help registry packages can elicit the "signature(s)" anyway.

We'll also see later that even without MTools and the Webel HelpM` classes those packages that also import HelpF` can still benefit from a higher level of automation and help integration using the AOR Map (Arguments, Options, Rules) Association. For reference (but it's best for now to just stay with the trail):

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