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systems engineering
Dr Darren says: Don't be scared to put yourself out there with your SysML Diagrams in public and in your work with colleagues
Dr Darren explains:
Many years ago, on a very old version of the Webel site, I had up a quick attempt at mapping out the families of physics particles in SysML. Although I have a PhD in physics (astrophysics), and had even worked at the DESY particle accelerator institute (on data analysis, and modelling and operating the machines, not particle physics), I am not an expert in particle physics.
Dr Darren's Open Letter to the LinkedIn groups for MBSE, SysML, MagicDraw, and INCOSE concerning comment and message replies
Dr Darren says:
Welcome, if you have been referred here it may be in response to my sending a link to this page in reply to your comments or questions on LinkedIn.
To all LinkedIn groups involving MBSE, Systems Engineering, SysML, and the MagicDraw/Cameo tools,
I am no longer offering comments or answering questions in comment threads (or in reply to LinkedIn messages) on any LinkedIn group involving MBSE, SysML, or SysML tools.
Topic outline for Full SysML Workshop (5-Day) course version: 'Model-Based Systems Engineering with the OMG's Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) and the MagicDraw/Cameo (CATIA Magic™) tools for SysML'
We are offering a 30% discount off all SysML/MBSE course bookings secured by 31st March 2025!
Topic outline for Mini SysML Workshop (4-Day) and SysMLv1 Language Intro (4-Day or 3-Day) course versions: 'Model-Based Systems Engineering with the OMG's Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) and the MagicDraw/Cameo (CATIA Magic™) tools for SysML'
We are offering a 30% discount off all SysML/MBSE course bookings secured by 31st March 2025!
MagicDraw SysML Plugin zone
The original Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) plugin for MagicDraw® is often denoted MagicDraw SysML Plugin for short.
[ARCHIVAL] Gallery: Port-based systems engineering of block models for control and simulation of Neutron Beam Instruments of the OPAL research reactor using UML/SysML (from 2007, online extracts)
This page shows (for purposes of historical reference only) an OBSOLETE early attempt at re-appropriating Unified Modeling Language (UML®) for elicitation of model elements using graphical Parsing Analysis.
Slides in this gallery
Click on any slide to view it larger in a viewer, click again to move through each slide in the gallery. Click on the title link of a slide to view the full slide page.
Ultra Electronics (Avalon Systems)
Webel IT Australia has held training in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) for Ultra Electronics (Avalon Systems), in Adelaide, Australia.
ANU Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre (AITC)
Webel IT Australia has held Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) training and consultancy for the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre (AITC) of the Australian National University (ANU) at Mt Stromlo, Canberra, Australia.
Project Performance International (PPI)
IT Training organisation Project Performance International (PPI) is a long-term client of Webel IT Australia.
Webel IT designed and operated the Systems Engineering Goldmine resources web site for PPI from 2009 to 2020.
Service: Model-Based Systems Engineering with SysML
Looking for
IT Training in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®)?
Screencast: MagicDraw SysML/Cameo analysis: Possible "gotchas" when extending the SysML Block stereotype
Video style
Audience: Users of MagicDraw SysML or Cameo Systems Modeler who are experimenting with creating custom stereotypes that extend Block.
This screencast video has been created to demonstrate some issues that can arise if you "naively" create a custom stereotype that extends Block without: (1) closing then re-opening your project; (2) creating an appropriate MD Customization. It is not about any actual "bug" in MagicDraw/Cameo (as long as you follow the recommended procedure). If you watch it, please do watch it to the end to find how to handle such stereotypes properly.
Screencast: MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: Pros and Cons of custom stereotypes in combination with Block inheritance and Part Property structures
Video style
Audience: Users of MagicDraw SysML or Cameo Systems Modeler who are experimenting with creating custom stereotypes for SysML.
This screencast video has been created to illustrate some pros and cons of using custom stereotypes in combination with Block inheritance and Part Property structures, and demonstrates some possible "gotchas". It concerns especially use of custom stereotypes to indicate: (1) cross-cutting aspects such as model layer membership; (2) use of tagged values to carry per-Element metadata.
Course: Model-Based Systems Engineering with the OMG's Systems Modeling Language® (v1) and the MagicDraw/Cameo (CATIA Magic™) tools for SysML
Webel IT Australia is an OMG-Accredited Training Provider for SysML!
We are offering a 30% discount off all SysML/MBSE course bookings secured by 31st March 2025!
Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) zone
For tips and tutorials for the Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) plugin visit:
MagicDraw UML (Magic Software Architect) zone
Dr Darren of Webel IT Australia is a long-term MagicDraw® user, and previously worked for the developers No Magic Inc as a consultant and trainer (Expert Advisor for Science, Engineering, and Education).
This zone is primarily about applications of MagicDraw® to software engineering wi
The Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for UML
This zone is about a version of the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for document-driven, model-based, graphical software engineering with Unified Modeling Language (UML®).
The Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML
Webel IT Australia is the home of the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML®, a very powerful technique for translating text from authoritative domain source documents traceably into Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) models.
SysML zone
You have arrived at the world's most comprehensive online guide to applying Model-Based Systems Engineering with SysML® to real-world systems. For full access to our SysML Education resources & materials attend our workshop course!