Webel IT's summaries of MagicGrid® for SysML/MBSE with Cameo are offered for the interest of MagicGrid users for informative and educational purposes only. They are not recommendations to use (or not use) MagicGrid, and are not officially endorsed.
SysML: Cameo/MagicDraw: ItemFlow notation/indication on ObjectFlow edges in SysML Activity Diagrams is a tool-specific feature, although it was proposed and discussed (but DEFERRED) as part of the OMG SysMLv1 Revision Task Force (RTF).
SysMLv1.x: Limitation: The 'body' (maths formula) of an OpaqueBehavior can't be synchronised (shared) with the 'constraint' of a ConstraintBlock (directly in the SysML model). Can lead to a WET (not DRY) model and breaks Single Source of Truth!
SysML: Cameo Systems Modeler: A ValueType that does not extend Real might not always simulate correctly when used to type a constraint parameter of a ConstraintBlock (in a SysML Parametric Diagram) or to type a parameter (in a SysML Activity Diagram)!
ISSUE/GOTCHA: MagicDraw/Cameo v2022x: UML/SysML: If you "rename" an ActivityParameterNode symbol on the frame of an Activity Diagram it actually renames the underlying Parameter (only) NOT the name of the ActivityParameterNode element!
Webel: SysML4Mathematica: Cameo Systems Modeler: Can perform calculations with a custom Quantity ValueType (for Mathematica) directly, but DOES NOT perform units-aware algebra (no automatic conversions)
GOTCHA: Mathematica v13.2+: Operations on "DegreesFahrenheit" °F and "DegreesCelsius" °C are now performed using Kelvins (K). CASE: Naive percentage operation gives answer relative to Kelvins. Use "DegreesCelsiusDifference"/"DegreesFahrenheitDifference"!
CoolProp: HOWTO reproduce a pressure vs specific enthalpy chart in Mathematica. Example: R32 refrigerant.
SysML: Naming: You may include Block, ValueType, and Signal names in the names of Behaviors (such as Activities) as long as this does not undermine the principles of functional analysis and allocation.
SysML: Naming: Including Block, ValueType, and Signal names in the names of Behaviors (such as Activities) can sometimes undermine purist functional allocation (because it may presuppose the element of the physical solution that carries out the function).
SysML: Having a Behavior owned by a Block it is allocated to may undermine purist functional allocation (because it presupposes the element of the physical solution that carries out the function)
Additional Dependency relationships between ValueTypes and their Units on some SysML diagrams on this site are for educational illustration only (you don't need them in your own SysML models).
MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: 19SP3: Does not seem to support export to Modelica from a Package [use a SysML Block as root instead]
The markup of Snippet page titles on this CMS web site is sometimes restricted (especially concerning subscripts and superscripts such as used in mathematical and scientific notation). Visit the linked Snippet page for the quote with full markup.
One limit of the SysML-1.6 ElementGroup for use as a Snippet in the v1.x version of Webel Parsing Analysis for SysML is that an ElementGroup is not directly relatable.
While SysML does not officially include the UML Profile Diagram, in practice in the MagicDraw/Cameo tool it is often used (rather than a Package Diagram) to afford access to all profile element menus and to make it clear that it involves profile elements.
MagicDraw/Cameo: By default assumes custom units are both Unit and DerivedUnit and that quantity kinds are both QuantityKind and DerivedQuantityKind. Just remove the "Derived" variants if they don't apply and add the "Simple" variants.
MagicDraw/Cameo v19SP3: The SysML 'properties' compartment of a ValueType is called 'attributes' like in UML2.5.1 for DataTypes [CLAIMED FIXED in v2021x]
The SysML Complex "primitive" ValueType does in fact have substructure: realPart:Real and imaginaryPart:Real
MagicDraw/Cameo: Does not show the “structure” label at the top of an internal structure compartment.
The UML Artifact and its UML standard profile extensions such as «document» Document and «file» File are NOT included in UML4SysML.
MagicDraw/Cameo: In SysML Activity Diagrams you can only set the allocation mode in to 'usage' or 'definition' for an entire AllocateActivityPartition group at once, not for individual AllocateActivityPartition columns or rows.
MagicDraw/Cameo: Using the display option to show labels inside Port rectangle symbols or to use SysML compartments on Port symbols hides any flow direction indicators.
[HISTORICAL] MagicDraw/Cameo 19SP3: Does NOT yet support ~InterfaceBlock [NOW SUPPORTED in 2024x Golden] ARCHIVAL (2023): This content is now considered historical only!
MagicDraw/Cameo: Does not copy identical text from a supplier Requirement to a client Requirement on application of the Copy relationship (but DOES offer to fix it when the validation engine warning fires).
MagicDraw/Cameo does not seem to offer the display option Apply SysML Callout Style on CentralBufferNode
UML4SysML is a specification abstraction (concept) only, it does not find direct expression (such as via a namespace) in tools like MagicDraw/Cameo
MagicDraw/Cameo: Does not seem to support showing a trailing colon ':' in labels of Properties or Connectors that are untyped OR are typed by anonymous Classes, Blocks, or Associations. (The notation is used in some SysML specification diagrams.)
MagicDraw/Cameo 19SP3: If Continuous or Discrete are applied to the underlying Parameter of an InputPin or an OutputPin the keywords «continuous» or «discrete» can't be displayed
MagicDraw/Cameo: Does not support ConstraintNote: Can't callout the Constraint of the ConstraintBlock of a constraint property into a Note on a Parametric Diagram (show on the constraint property symbol instead)
MagicDraw/Cameo 19SP3: Does not seem to directly support compartment for decomposition of Views as properties of Views (but one can create properties in an IBD and they will show in the 'attributes compartment')
SysML-1.6: The spec sample diagrams D.27 has Expose relationships to ValueType, they should be to value properties.
SysML-1.6: The View and Viewpoint spec sample diagrams D.27, D.28, D.29 and D.30 have multiple known issues; the trail versions here on this site are only placeholders until new spec versions are available once SysML-1.7 is released.
MagicDraw/Cameo tool support for Association composition "trees" is not good, and they end up being fiddly to maintain (and they can also cause issues for InformationFlows). Avoid them!
HSUV trail slide: Figure D.4: IBD: Could not show Connector typed by an anonymous Association as 'connectorName:' with trailing colon
MagicDraw/Cameo: the coloured stereotype icons for some kinds of elements can't be removed from all diagrams, tables, or matrix views
MagicDraw/Cameo query tables use a single row (with a group of elements) to represent multiple targets/hits from a relationship, rather than one row per hit.
SysMLv1: When using model queries (such as tables) for compliance with some older systems engineering docs you may not always be able to use anonymous Property names and anonymous instance level element names. Or try the owner context or the ID!
MD SysML and Cameo 19SP3 can't yet validate provided/required Feature subsets (such as Features of one Block against Features of multiple Ports)
Dependency/Usage relationships in some referenced UML/SysML diagrams on this site are for educational illustration only, they are NOT part of the actual model.
A FinalState has no entry, doActivity, or exit Behavior, no outgoing Transitions, no Regions, and cannot reference a submachine
UML has an Integer type, not an 'int' type, but the MagicDraw and Cameo tools include a DataType 'int' in an additional profile
The Signal trigger simulator in Cameo Simulation Toolkit 19SP3 does not support run-time user-defined attribute values (but you can define defaults)
Cameo Simulation Toolkit DOES NOT leverage a Reception on a Class/Block at all! Use an AcceptEventAction with a SignalEvent trigger or an 'effect' on a Transition instead. There is a formal fUML restriction that a Reception should not have a method.
fUML-1.4 EXCLUDES ReadVariableAction, WriteVariableAction (and its subclasses) and ClearVariableAction
fUML-1.4 EXCLUDES ReadLinkObjectEndAction, ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction and CreateLinkObjectAction
fUML-1.4 EXCLUDES templates: TemplateSignature, TemplateParameter, TemplateableElement, ParameterableElement
fUML only covers a subset of Unified Modeling Language with semantics for execution and an extended event and notification model
Cameo Simulation Toolkit DOES NOT directly use the fUML-RI reference implementation (it uses a vendor-specific adaptation of it)!