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Psychrometrics links (references and online calculators)
This page collects some useful External links (see section below) for Psychrometrics (humid air physics).
Modelica references and links
Just some links to handy Modelica references and educational resources.
This zone presents some reference information on Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVAC&R), including some worked examples in Mathematica and SysML models.
Cool Physics links: Some fun stuff around thermodynamics
Just because something is cool does not mean it doesn't involve heat.
BTW Please don't confuse 'heat' with internal energy! An object can't "contain an amount of heat", heat is strictly only thermal energy flowing (in transfer) from one body or region to another.
HERA particle collider beam dynamics: Maple symbolic worksheet example.
This Maple worksheet download was exported to PDF via LaTeX from a Maple V worksheet. It shows detailed symbolic calculations and numerical simulations for the electron beam of the HERA (electron-proton synchrotron particle collider)].
Gallery: Maple examples: symbolic algebra, data visualisation, and animation
Images in this gallery
Click on any image to view it larger in a viewer, click again to move through each image in the gallery. Click on the title link of an image to view the full image page.
Mathematica and Wolfram Language zone
Please email or phone Webel IT Australia on +61 405 029 008 to enquire about our Mathematica services!
Webel IT Australia offers professional consultancy services for applications of the incredibly powerful Wolfram Mathematica to mathematical modelling, data analysis and visualisation, 3D modelling and animation, systems modelling, and physics modelling.