Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: The SysML-1.6 Hybrid SUV sample and specification diagrams in MagicDraw/Cameo (with annotations) [UNDERGOING UPDATE to SysML1.7] Section Section: SysML-1.6: HSUV sample Tags and keywords UML keywords Port SysML keywords HSUV sample problem FlowProperty SysML Internal Block Diagram Slide kind SysML Block Definition Diagram (BDD) Click on the image to view it full size Up next Figure D.24 - Defining Fuel Flow Constraints (Parametric Diagram) Notes [DEPRECATION, ISSUE] SysML-1.6: Figure D.23 has FuelFlow redundantly stereotyped by the DEPRECATED «flowSpecification» [DISPLAY, STYLE, TIP] As an alternative to composition Association "trees" consider instead using symbol resize to visually "bracket" composed items (can however be a bit fiddly). [CAVEAT, DISPLAY, STYLE, WARNING] MagicDraw/Cameo tool support for Association composition "trees" is not good, and they end up being fiddly to maintain (and they can also cause issues for InformationFlows). Avoid them! [TIP, WORKAROUND]{INFORMATIVE} [HISTORICAL] HOWTO easily "hack" the SysML-1.6 ~InterfaceBlock conjugation and «~interfaceBlock» keywords in MagicDraw/Cameo. [NOW SUPPORTED 2024x Golden] [TIP] Place your SysML-1.6 ~InterfaceBlock conjugation under the 'original' InterfaceBlock (i.e. make the original the containment owner). Snippets (quotes/extracts) [SysML-1.6] The ports on the FuelTankAssembly and InternalCombustionEngine (as shown in Figure D.19) are defined in Figure D.23. [SysML-1.6] A FlowProperty signifies a single flow element to/from a block. A flow property has the same notation as a Property only with a direction prefix (in | out | inout). Flow properties are listed in a compartment labeled flow properties. [SysML-1.6] FlowProperty::direction : FlowDirectionKind [1] Specifies if the property value is received from an external block (direction="in"), transmitted to an external Block (direction="out") or both (direction="inout"). [SysML-1.6] Flow properties specify the kinds of items that might flow between a block and its environment, whether it is data, material, or energy. The kind of items that flow is specified by typing flow properties. Related slides (includes other tutorials) Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) [HISTORICAL] UML-STYLE: Hybrid SUV example: Ports with required/provided Interfaces (Internal Definition Diagram) Hybrid SUV example: provided/required DirectedFeatures (Block Definition Diagram) Hybrid SUV example: provided/required DirectedFeatures (Internal Definition Diagram) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for Figure D.23 - Elaborating Definition of Fuel Flow (Power Subsystem Fuel Flow Definition) Previous Up Next