Webel: SysML4Mathematica: An '@*~' prefix in a @pseudo function (OpaqueBehavior or Activity) represents a cast from any expression to a Type. Example: '@*~OpenerView' casts from any expression to an OpenerView. '@Type~' casts from a specific Type.

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The '~' was chosen because it is often associated with similarity, and is not otherwise reserved in the Wolfram Language (see however \[Tilde]).

In Webel SysML4Mathematica (v1) a '*' is used to represent any expression.

The '@' is from the «pseudo» function convention:

Together they form the prefix '@*~'.

Example: '@*~OpenerView is a cast from any expression to an OpenerView.

The notation can be extended to also cover more specific casts. Example: '@String~StringForm' is a cast from a String to a StringForm.

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