Webel ManGUI` examples: man$bool and man$group$pane

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The man$bool function takes either "manually" provide information for a toggle control (optionally including '$man$help' and/or '$man$warn' for adorning Tooltip icons around a label) or DRY help holder Strings.

The man$bool$opt variant just needs the String name of a Webel '$opt$' option for a (True|False) value, and gleans the rest from the '$opt$' naming conventions, super easy. Any existing 'def$opt$' default can be overridden with the '$man$def' option if needed.

Controls can then be easily grouped with headers in Panes using man$group$pane or OpenerView trees.

In some cases Evaluate@ must be additionally applied to a ManGUI` function to generate a complaint specification for Manipulate

Of course, one can still use the basic Manipulate control formats directly for whatever is not covered by the ManGUI functions, but use of ManGUI promotes consistency and usually makes rapid Manipulate GUI development nicely integrated with the rest of an application easier.

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