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Start learning SysML now! Future-proof yourself by learning about fundamental timeless modelling principles from Webel IT Australia!
Your guide for this tutorial is Dr Darren of Webel IT Australia
This tutorial trail includes selected slides (only) from the full Webel IT Australia course - which offers complete coverage of the SysML® language:
Only registered course attendees gain access to the entire course slide-sets, which offer - quite simply - the world's most comprehensive coverage of the SysML® language, and explain exactly how to use it effectively in the powerful MagicDraw and Cameo tools:
Please email or phone Webel IT Australia on +61 405 029 008 to arrange On-Site, Off-Site, or Live Online remote web training seminars and workshops.
While this online trail is partially incomplete (and full details of some topics are deliberately only presented as part of our course) most of the available sections are already very useful, and they reference many other tutorials, videos, and worked examples throughout this site. Most trails sections already offered here are self-contained mini-trails.
In all Webel IT Australia tutorial trails the Slide pages are linked to cross-referenced specification Snippet (extract) pages and Note pages with Webel Best Practice policies, tips on tool use, and issue tracking notes. We call this strategy "super relational".
If you already know the basics of UML®, a good place to start is here:
If you are completely new to both UML® and SysML® you may wish to start here to learn how SysML Blocks and ValueTypes build on UML Classes and DataTypes, about instances and Slots, and about the Generalization and Association relationships:
If you are completely new to this topic it is NOT recommended that you then immediately try to tackle the challenging UML StateMachines and UML Activities topics in order! You should probably visit this first:
For those interested in a particular topic within the Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) this trail is organised in sections as listed below:
When you are finished, you may also wish to view this comprehensive and complete trail on the Hybrid SUV sample problem.
NEWS: New detailed Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) tutorial: TRAIL: The SysML-1.6 Hybrid SUV sample and specification diagrams in MagicDraw/Cameo (with annotations) [UNDERGOING UPDATE to SysML1.7]
Visit also these screencast tutorial videos
Please email or phone Webel IT Australia on +61 405 029 008 to arrange On-Site, Off-Site, or Live Online remote web training seminars and workshops.