TIP: UML/SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo: Activity Diagrams: Pins: You can display the 'multiplicity' of the underlying Parameter on Pins symbols using Edit Compartments. (The 'multiplicity' shows anyway if the :Type is shown.)
TIP: UML/SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo: Activity Diagrams: ActivityParameterNodes: Displaying the underlying 'parameter::multiplicity' using Edit Compartments is extremely useful!
UML/SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo: Edit Compartments: ActivityParameterNode: Can't select the 'parameter::multiplicity'? Run the synchronisation between the Activity in the direction Synchronize Activity Parameter Nodes by Activity Parameter then try again!
SysML/UML: MagicDraw/Cameo: To display the body of an OpaqueBehavior on a usage (CallBehaviorAction) in an Activity Diagram use an element property callout of 'Body' into a Note with a handle to the CallBehaviorAction
MagicDraw/Cameo: UML/SysML: TIP: Activity Diagrams: Learn how to use the Refactor > Extract feature to divide-and-conquer and identify cleaner flow and logic. Get control of those crossed wires!
Webel: MagicDraw/Cameo: UML/SysML: TIP: Activity Diagrams, StateMachine Diagrams, and port-based IBDs: Keep it loose initially with oblique (no break) paths, then square it up with rectangular paths at the very end
HOWTO access custom (user-defined) Mathematica functions using Mathematica v13.2 as an external maths engine for SysML Parametrics (ConstraintBlocks) in Magic Model Analyst (Cameo Simulation Toolkit) versions 2021x, 2021xR1, 2022xR1
Cameo Simulation Toolkit: GOTCHA: In the Variable pane reference properties are hidden by default (show them using the Options pulldown menu)
In the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe you are not obliged to map every single part of a Snippet's text extract to a UML or SysML model, just traceably elicit model elements of immediate or anticipated interest to your task or goal.
A "staging" BDD for defining the flows, ports, and item properties on blocks to be used in an IBD does not have to be a "work of art" if it is not intended as a final presentation diagram.
Even relatively informal elicitation of model elements using the SysML ElementGroup and a Parsing Analysis approach is extremely powerful.
Translating authoritative technical documents written in “natural” engineering language (snippet-by-snippet) into Webel Parsing Analysis diagrams creates consistent underlying systems models and can bridge easily to existing methodologies.
Humans work well with natural language: Many stakeholders – including those who are not necessarily familiar with UML or SysML modelling symbols and diagrams - benefit enormously from having plain text in diagrams side-by-side with graphics.
Not even the most experienced requirements engineers can easily state requirements perfectly in consistent requirements-friendly language first shot; requirements and constraints are often buried in the natural text of domain source documents.
UML/SysML: In Internal Block Diagrams: Consider hiding the name of a named Port or Property in a Diagram if its Type is sufficient to indicate its role.
Nobody (informed) said that SysML (or even UML) modelling and MBSE is only about graphical modelling, notations, and diagrams! Information can be extracted in many different ways and presented in many different formats from the underlying model!