Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: Modelling the Wolfram Language in SysMLv1 and related Webel coding conventions Tags and keywords Topic level ADVANCED Keywords Wolfram Wolfram Language Mathematica SysML MagicDraw SysML MD SysML CATIA Magic Systems Modeling Language Wolfram Player Pro Webel::SysML4Mathematica Webel IT Australia This content has been marked as discussing an ADVANCED topic! Click on the image to view it full size Up next “Active” OpaqueBehaviors corresponding to block Heads: Used in CallBehaviorActions Notes [CONVENTION, MODELLING, NAMING]{STRICT} Webel: SysML4Mathematica: An Association used as the Type of an argument or return is represented by a Block '<||>'. A List used as as the Type of an argument or return is represented by a Block '{}'. (Extending types may adapt the notation.) Snippets (quotes/extracts) Related slides (includes other tutorials) Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Visit also The Webel SysML4Mathematica recipe for modelling Wolfram Language code in Systems Modeling Language (SysML) for Model-Based Systems Engineering Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for Typed Association example: <||>$* maps String to any expression Previous Up Next