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When working with complex hierarchies of functions, sometimes the Options available to a sub-function are not as broad as those of a "parent" (higher) calling function. If you just pass down an OptionsPattern[] that is a superset of the relevant options you'll get a warning. The following shows how to strip off irrelevant options before calling down:
CASE: Strip a single option from an OptionsPattern[] Sequence:
stripOpt::usage = "stripOpt[optName, OptionsPattern[]]
Strips the Rule identified by 'optName' and returns a Sequence.;
stripOpt[optName_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[
{ map },
If[ opts =!= Null,
map = KeyDrop[<|opts|>, optName];
Sequence[ # -> map[#]& /@ Keys[map] ]
(* Must be 3rd argument to If *)
CASE: Strip multiple options Rules from an OptionsPattern[] Sequence:
stripOpts::usage = "stripOpts[optName1, optName2,..., OptionsPattern[]]
Strips all Rules identified by 'optName1', 'optName2', etc. and returns a Sequence";
stripOpts[optNames__, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[
{ map },
If[opts =!= Null,
map = KeyDrop[<|opts|>, {optNames}];
Sequence[ # -> map[#]& /@ Keys[map] ]
(* Must be 3rd argument to If *)
One could perhaps uses something more elegant but the above works fine.
Note that if no OptionsPattern[] is provided it returns an "empty" Sequence[] which splices directly in.
Usage example
Options[fChild] = { doThat->False };
fChild[arg_,OptionsPattern[]] := ...
Options[fParent] = { doThis->True, doThat->False };
fParent[arg_, opts:OptionsPattern[] ] := Module[
fChild[arg, stripOpt[doThis, opts] ]; (* Only passes valid child options *)
If[OptionValue[doThis], ...]; (* Could be before or after call to child *)
Will handle all of these cases:
fParent[arg, doThis->False]
fParent[arg, doThat->True]
fParent[arg, doThis->False, doThat->True]