27: Activity CreateDigitalEntityFromPhysicalEntity

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Some information and data one might initially extract from a pre-existing «physical» PhysicalEntity (such as our target «physical» ActualPhysicalAsset ) are indicated by:
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The Activities MapPhysicalEntity, ScanPhysicalEntity, SurveyPhysicalEntity, DigitisePhysicalEntity, and DevelopCopyPhysicalEntity, and are all just mainly "passthrough" «stub» placeholders.

They have corresponding data and information:

  • EntityMappingData
  • EntityScanningData
  • EntitySurveyingData
  • EntityDigitisingData
  • EntityCopyData.
You might be able to think of some others as well.
Note that there is no requirement that these output "data" or information sets be «digital» ! Some of them could include even sketches or notes written by humans on paper!

Note also that these data and information sets will mostly NOT already be in the standard internal format the «digital» @Entity (or «digital» PotentialPhysicalAsset ) employ. For example, the scanning data might be in a format only used by the particular scanning technology.

It is the job of PopulateDigitalEntity, which we'll have a quick look at next, to extract and write the data into the «digital» @Entity in the standard internal format (such as via a web services API).

The CallOperationAction for bind then assigns the «physical» PhysicalEntity to be mapped by the «digital» @Entity , which enters state Bound.

ASIDE: The name CreateDigitalEntityFromPhysicalEntity is not ideal because it in fact takes a "shell" «digital» @Entity as input, which is then also fed to PopulateDigitalEntity.
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