21: Example instances for 'asset'

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These instance (object) diagrams show typical configurations for the acquisition and creation cases respectively once the «twin» DigitalTwin and «physical» ActualPhysicalAsset are attached to a «sensor» Sensor and «actuator» Actuator. The upper diagram corresponds to this case:

The «digital» PotentialPhysicalAsset has a process related mapper «digital» *howAcquire for a «process» howAcquire. Selected information from data sets for :EntityMappingData, :EntityScanningData, :EntitySurveyingData, :EntityDigitisingData, and :EntityCopyData gleaned from a pre-existing «physical» actual:ActualPhysicalAsset has been translated and written into the «digital» *actual:@Entity in a standard internal format.

The lower diagram corresponds to this case: The «digital» PotentialPhysicalAsset has a process related mapper «digital» *howBuild for a «process» howBuild. Selected information from an :AssetSpecification has been translated and written into the «digital» @Entity (acting as a Digital Twin Prototype) and the «digital» PotentialPhysicalAsset in a standard internal format, and has been used to create a new «physical» ActualPhysicalAsset .

In both cases, in terms of states, the «physical» ActualPhysicalAsset now Exists, the «digital» PotentialPhysicalAsset is now Integrated, and the DigitalTwin is now Attached. We'll see this simulated in a screencast video Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) later in the trail. These states are indicated here in the instance diagrams using additional "state flags":

And in both cases:

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