Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo Section 01:02: UML 101 for model-based systems engineering with SysMLv1 Tags and keywords Topic level BASIC UML keywords Class BehavioredClassifier Interface required Interface provided Interface Usage InterfaceRealization BehavioredClassifier::interfaceRealization ball-and-socket Keywords UML Unified Modeling Language MagicDraw UML Slide kind UML Class Diagram MagicDraw: Has an additional tool-specific notation and feature sometimes called "ball-and-socket dependency wiring" for use with provided and required Interfaces in Class Diagrams and some other definition-level diagrams. Click on the image to view it full size Webel Best Practice: In general, the SysML DirectedFeature approach is more powerful and the notation is cleaner than UML provided/required Interfaces. Prefer SysML DirectedFeatures unless you have a really good reason to use Interfaces! Up next UML2 simplified key metaclass hierarchy (excluding relationships) - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY Notes [FEATURE, TOOL]{OPTION} MagicDraw: Has an additional tool-specific notation and feature sometimes called "ball-and-socket dependency wiring" for use with provided and required Interfaces in Class Diagrams and some other definition-level diagrams. [TIP]{STRONG} In general, the SysML DirectedFeature approach is more powerful and the notation is cleaner than UML provided/required Interfaces. Prefer SysML DirectedFeatures unless you have a really good reason to use Interfaces! Snippets (quotes/extracts) [UML-2.5.1] A given BehavioredClassifier may implement more than one Interface and that an Interface may be implemented by a number of different BehavioredClassifiers. [UML-2.5.1] The set of Interfaces realized by a BehavioredClassifier are its provided Interfaces, which represent the services and obligations that instances of that BehavioredClassifier offer to their clients. [UML-2.5.1] Interfaces may also be used to specify required Interfaces, which are specified by a Usage dependency between the BehavioredClassifier and the corresponding Interfaces. [UML-2.5.1] Required Interfaces specify services that a BehavioredClassifier needs in order to perform its function and fulfill its own obligations to its clients. Related slides (includes other tutorials) Figure 9-6: Usage example of ports with provided and required features [HISTORICAL] UML-STYLE: Hybrid SUV example: Ports with required/provided Interfaces (Block Definition Diagram) [HISTORICAL] UML-STYLE: Hybrid SUV example: Ports with required/provided Interfaces (Internal Definition Diagram) UML provided/required Interfaces vs SysML DirectedFeatures on Ports Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for Required/Provided Interface notation: Ball-and-Socket "dependency wiring" [tool specific] Previous Up Next