Icon class icon_class fas fa-quote-left icon_class_computed fas fa-quote-left Related content ExampleBlock in a Block Definition Diagram (BDD) REFERENCE CARD: Types of Block Properties and Block compartments SysMLv1 Reference Property representations SysMLv1 "shared" Property example: two Triangles share one LineSegment edge. SysMLv1 "shared" Property challenge as objects: two Triangles share one LineSegment edge. REFERENCE CARD: Property cheat-sheet for Block The first known practical telescopes were refracting telescopes Focus BDD for block RefractingTelescope Cameo Simulation Toolkit: GOTCHA: In the Variable pane reference properties are hidden by default (show them using the Options pulldown menu) SysML: Syntax ain't Semantics: FUN CHALLENGE: SysMLv1 block property aggregation: 'The tornado chaser plane "has" a chaser car "with" a chaser team.' SysMLv1: A 'part property' in SysMLv1 does not formally include 'port' (which is considered a special kind of property), even though the Port metaclass in UML2 extends Property and a 'port' may have 'composite' aggregation and be typed by a Block. SysMLv1: A 'part property' in SysMLv1 does not formally include 'port' (which is considered a special kind of property), even though the Port metaclass in UML2 extends Property and a 'port' may have 'composite' aggregation and be typed by a Block. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.7beta1 Copyright information About Object Management Group copyright in text extracts quoted from OMG specifications for educational purposes Snippet kind INFO UML keywords Property AggregationKind Property::aggregation AggregationKind::shared AggregationKind::none SysML keywords Block part property reference property shared property MD:SharedProperty MD:ReferenceProperty MD:BlockProperty Previous snippet Constraint properties are further defined in Clause 10. A port is another category of property, as further defined in Section 9. Full quote A property typed by a Block that does not have composite aggregation is classified as a reference property. Next snippet Related snippets SysML establishes four basic classifications of properties belonging to a SysML Block or ValueType. A block can include properties to specify its values, parts, and references to other blocks. Ports are a special class of property used to specify allowable types of interactions between blocks ... Constraint Properties are a special class of property used to constrain other properties of blocks... SysML establishes four basic classifications of properties belonging to a SysML Block or ValueType. Constraint properties are further defined in Clause 10. A port is another category of property, as further defined in Section 9. SysML also supports properties with shared aggregation, as shown by a white diamond symbol on an association. Like UML, SysML defines no specific semantics or constraints for properties with shared aggregation, but particular models or tools may interpret them in specific ways. A part or shared association has a default multiplicity of [0..1] on the black or white diamond end. A unidirectional association has a default multiplicity of 1 on its target end. Related snippets (backlinks) Four general categories of properties of blocks are recognized in SysML: parts, references, value properties, and constraint properties. A reference property is shown by a dashed-outline box, consistent with UML. Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags