Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: The SysML-1.6 Hybrid SUV sample and specification diagrams in MagicDraw/Cameo (with annotations) [UNDERGOING UPDATE to SysML1.7] Section Section: SysML-1.6 specification diagrams: 11 Activities Tags and keywords UML keywords DecisionNode DecisionNode::decisionInput DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow ValueSpecificationAction ActivityParameterNode SysML keywords Continuous «continuous» Probability Probability::probability ControlValueKind::enable ControlValueKind::disable SysML Activity Diagram ControlValueKind Slide kind SysML Activity Diagram This diagram is adapted vs the spec version to try to address this concern: SysML-1.6: An additional ControlFlow is required into the DecisionNode of 'Figure 11-12: Continuous system example 3' and the existing ObjectFlow with Brake Pressure must become a decisionInputFlow Click on the image to view it full size Up next Figure 11-13: Example block definition diagram for activity decomposition Notes [ISSUE] SysML-1.6: An additional ControlFlow is required into the DecisionNode of 'Figure 11-12: Continuous system example 3' and the existing ObjectFlow with Brake Pressure must become a decisionInputFlow [ISSUE] MagicDraw/Cameo: Has ControlValue not ControlValueKind (due to known SysML spec issue) Snippets (quotes/extracts) [SysML-1.6] The activity diagram for the control operator Enable on Brake Pressure > 0 is shown in Figure 11-12. [UML-2.5.1] DecisionNode::edges The ActivityEdges incoming to and outgoing from a DecisionNode, other than the decisionInputFlow (if any), must be either all ObjectFlows or all ControlFlows. [UML-2.5.1] decisionInputFlow : ObjectFlow [0..1] ... An additional ActivityEdge incoming to the DecisionNode that provides a decision input value for the guards ValueSpecifications on ActivityEdges outgoing from the DecisionNode. [UML-2.5.1] DecisionNode::incoming_outgoing_edges A DecisionNode has one or two incoming ActivityEdges and at least one outgoing ActivityEdge. [UML-2.5.1] If the primary incoming edge of a DecisionNode is a ControlFlow, then all outgoing edges shall be ControlFlows and, if the primary incoming edge is an ObjectFlow, then all outgoing edges shall be ObjectFlows. [SysML-1.6] The decision node and guards determine if the brake pressure is greater than zero, and flow is directed to value specification actions that output an enabling or disabling control value from the activity. [SysML-1.6] The edges coming out of the decision node indicate the probability of each branch being taken. Related slides (includes other tutorials) Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) SysML Activity extension stereotypes - REFERENCE CARD SysMLv1.7 Activity extensions: ControlOperator and ControlValueKind: ADVANCED REFERENCE CARD Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for Figure 11-12: Continuous system example 3 {EXPLICIT PINS} Previous Up Next